In finance, “tranches” refer to segments or portions of debt or securities that are divided up by risk, maturity, or other characteristics within a larger pooled investment. The term is most commonly used in the context of structured finance products like mortgage-backed securities (MBS), collateralized debt obligations (CDOs), and other types of asset-backed securities (ABS).
Each tranche offers a different level of risk and return, allowing investors to choose the segment that best fits their risk tolerance and investment goals. Senior tranches are considered safer, with priority on repayments and lower interest rates, while junior tranches offer higher potential returns but come with a higher risk of default.
Tranches add to the complexity of debt investing and sometimes pose a problem to uninformed investors, who run the risk of choosing tranches unsuitable to their investment goals.
James Chen, finance writer

In Simpler Terms
Think of buying a ticket to a concert where the seats are divided into sections based on view and amenities: the front rows (premium experience but higher price), the middle (a balance of experience and cost), and the back (less expensive, but you might need binoculars). Each section (or tranche) offers a different experience at a different price point, allowing concert-goers to choose based on their preferences and budget.
While tranches can make investments more accessible by offering choices based on risk and return, they also require investors to understand where they fall in the priority of repayments. Just as sitting at the back of a concert might mean you’re the last to leave, being in a junior tranche might mean you’re the last to get paid if things go south.